Friday, September 30, 2011


hi guys-
i haven't posted in a LONG time! i am sooo sorry fro you people who check my blog daily that you have been bored with it. my bad. so i started school about a month ago and it was my first day of middle school. most of my teachers ar awesome. i have been at the same school for 7 years so i know all of the teachers now. except for the new teachers. we get reading buddies! i am paired up with this little 1st grader. she is soooo cute! anyway, i tried out for yearbook club too, i had to write a paragraph about why i want to be in it and 2 teacher reflections. and guess what i made it!!!! yeah thats right! and now i am the youngest in the club. and it is so fun. i get to help design the yearbook and get to take pictures for the yearbook. anyway i am kinda looking forward to the rest of the school year. so i am watching diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules and it is super funny and i dont want to miss it so bye
keep in touch-

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BIG trip (cont.)

so i told you guys about the big trip that i was taking soon and welllllll its tomorrow and i am so so so so so so so so so so so so excited and i really felt that you guys needed to know that! *to be said in a voice that sounds like it exploded those words i just typed and in the pitch of an annoying girl on her cell phone chatting to her bff* i am crazy!!!!
stay tuned---

Thursday, July 14, 2011

BIG trip

hey everyone
i am going on a big trip this summer in a week from today. i am going to a bunch of different places in the north. i am going for 3 weeks by myself. i am so so so so so excited! we ordered me new luggage and it has came and it is so so so so so soooooo awesome! anyway i will post pictures!
stay tuned-

Friday, July 8, 2011


hey guys!

in my last post i was telling you about that sewer pipe and i would like to talk about that some more . so after my dad went back to work i went to target and came back and my dad had a mini-x (a little tractor) in our yard! there was a a giant GIANT hole in our yard! so i went over to see and it was incredible! so i wanted to show you guys what this looked like through out the project and at the end so here are some pics that i took when i got home. :) enjoy!

ugh, life!

hey guys-
so today my dad came home from work and he brought one of his guys so he can dig up my yard and get rid of this sewer pipe thats 50 years old! then we have to replace it with a new one. we need to do it soon so that we dont have to worry about it backing up in our bathtubs. GROSS! anyways thats just life. plus i have to get a big metal device on the roof of my mouth! i have to get a stupid expander. well first i have to get spacers then an expander then braces. its not that big of a deal. i just hope i wont have them on for forever. sooooo thats basicly all thats beengoing down over here so yeah... what have you guys been up too?

Monday, July 4, 2011



Monday, June 27, 2011


so me and my friend have another blog called bunny talk! we are working on videos so when you read our first post dont talk it out on me cause we are getting there! so please look at our blog, bunny talk at

Thursday, June 23, 2011


so before school got out my class had to write persuasive letter to someone. i wrote to brian selznick! he is the author of the invention of hugo cabret which happens to be one of my favorite books. so he got my letter and lost it and then he remembered the schools name and called the school! OMG! then we got to call him cause he left his number but it was a machine so i didnt get to talk to him. but still OMG! and then i got a book for my school and then i got a letter! it was AWESOME! so i wrote a slopy copy of the letter i am going to send back. he drew amazing pics in his book! so i am telling him that i LOVE art! anyway....ENJOY SUMMER!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

june 8th, 2011

sorry about last post! i kinda messed up. anyway, yesterday was june 8th and it was the last day of school! goodbye 5th grade hello 6th! i am so excited for summer i have a lot of plans coming up that i will tell u about as the time comes sooner. today i had pottery class and we are making people
got to go,

june 8th, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

june 3rd, 2011

on june 3rd, the 5th graders went to IOA (island of adventures)! we met the front gate and got our tickets. after we were in the park. 3 friends and i went to the hulk first things first. and that was my first upside down ride ever! it was a blast! of course, i closed my eyes on the upside down parts so i wouldn't really feel it. but by the end of the day my eyes were wide open. after the hulk we went to Dr. doom, which wasn't that scary. we just went up a long tower and then went down kinda fast. then i went to spider man which was a 3D ride which was fun! then we met up with to guys and we hung out with them for the rest of the day. we headed over to ripsaw falls and i was in the front. it was our first water ride and we got soaked. then since we were already soaked we went on Popeye which wasn't as fun as i thought. then we went on the pterodactyl ride to dry off and me and my pal for the day needed a child to go with us so the guys were are small people. the line took forever! and the ride was only 30 seconds! and i had to ride with one of the guys cause we had to ride with a small person. so at first the old man who ran the ride thought that my friend and the other guy were boyfriend and girlfriend but he wouldn't listen cause they were both saying that they were friends but he kept calling the boyfriend and girlfriend. and the guy i rode with the old man said we were brother and sister. then we went on another ride and then lunch! after that we met up with even more friends and went to the wizarding world of Harry Potter. and we went on dueling dragon fire and then we went on ice. that was my favorite! then we went to the hulk again and then it was time to go. so my day rocked! then my pal for the day came home and went to a birthday party! it was fun! so my day rocked!
thats all for now!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

june 1st, 2011

hey there!
today it poured rain! and my mom came to pick me up from school we had to run to the car because we only had 1 umbrella and 5 people (cause i carpool with people). and we got wet! so after we droped everyone off we tured down our street and part of the road was completly cover in water. so i went home and let out my dogs. i went out with them to see what happened outside. by now it has stoped raining but the dark clouds are still in the sky. there is a very big puddle that me and one of my dogs where stomping in. i took off my skirt because i had shorts on under them. so i ask my mom if i could take the dogs on a walk to explore and see everything. well i went down to the end of the street to see f the water was still there but it wasnt! i was amazed because i thought it woild stay that way for a while but i was wrong. and i turned out the tennis courts i play at dryed and i had tennis practice. it was surprising. well thats all for now
talk to you next time,

Monday, May 30, 2011

wow! check out my stats!

i just checked my stats, and u guys are probaly thinking "oh wow i didnt think she new i checked her blog so much" well people i dont really care! if i were to make a blog and then no one looks at it, well that would be a lame blog. so my blog isnt lame! ya! so if you guys want to check out my stats and see where they are from! (look below)
United States-1,204 (!!!!!)
Denmark-127 (?)
India-5(really?! cool!)
United Arab Emirates-1(umm?)
United Kingdo-1(wow)
soooooo, u see now i have a lot of veiws. people like me! oh yeeeaahh!
thank you guys. i wont be her if it wasnt for u!


i am really P.Oed right now. and shocked cause i made this really long post but then i went to check my stats and then i came back to the post and the whole thing was gone! ugh i am so angry now! electronics arnt liking me today. i made this super awesome playlist to go on my ipod and now it wont play in the order i want! and now this! it said when i was typing that i was saving! liers!!! i just went to checkmy spelling and it wont let me! ugh! >:( thats me! for real! and there is no way i am going to re-type every thing that i typed before! anyway, sorry for my explosion on u guys! wow i really got out of control! ya!!!! my fav band just came on on my ipod! *mia starts dancin* i found some awesome bands and they are dowloaded on my ipod already! and i am jamin richt now cause i am music crazy! hahahhaha
P.P.S. bye!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

last few weeks of school

come on party on down! its the last few weeks of school! its been fun scince the final project have been coming. i have a finally book project due tuesday and a citizenship project due tusday too! then its all down hill! we got our yearbooks friday and that means its the end of school. i am going to bring in one of my PE shirts and have everyone sign it! i am excited for summer but i dont want school to end because i will miss my friends! i love u guys! u guys make school, school!
anyway, i redid my blog sorta! i love art so i did a art background because graffiti is awesome and i am taking a graffiti class over the summer with my friensds
to all my friends: keep in touch!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Friday, was Friday the 13th and i slept over at a friends house! and it POURED hailed at her house! and then the power went out....on Friday the 13th! it was off for a while and they said it should go on at 9:00pm but it came on around 9:45pm! but it was fun! the next day we went out on the lake and we were tubing! it was sooooo much fun!we both fell of 3 times. and the girl rule is that if 1 girl falls off the other has to to!so she and i fell off one time and we both really did fall off. and then she fell off so i let go. then the last one we both fell of purposely. then i went home. on Friday, a guest came while i was at her house. he is from new orleans and is staying for the weekend. today they are sleeping in because they were up all night. and we are having a BIG breakfast. then we are going kayaking! i cant belive its already sunday!
well i guess thats all for now......THATS ALL FOLKS!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

was up?!

hey there-
i haven't posted in a while and i am sorry. my trip was awesome! i had a lot of fun! i was busy everyday! so, tomorrow is Wednesday and we have to wear uniforms on Wednesday we usually have free dress day for a buck or two. so tomorrow is twin day! that's when u and a friend dress up as the same! so i am dressing up with my friend and we have been planing for a long time! i am so excited! we have the same shirt, same water bottle, same shoes, same socks, same hair (wigs)! its gonna be awesome! and they are having contest, most funniest, most unique and most similar. me and her are running for most similar! i am so excited!
too excited cant talk
MIA (THE CREATOR OF Mia's Side of The Story) :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

trip (again)

my trip is tomorrow. its a half day at my school because its portfolio day. so i have to leave at noon then go home shove something in my mouth change and go back to school to look at the portfolio for like 10 minutes and the head straight for the airport to Virgina. boy! i am excited!!!!!!!!!!!
i will try maybe to post something while i am there. no promises!
super pumped,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


i am going on a trip next week. i am going up to Virgina! i am SO excited. i am going to visit my grandparents. it is going to be AWESOME! i will tell u more as the time gets closer

Friday, April 15, 2011


today was feild day at my school and it was......AWESWOME!!!!!!!!!!! i had so so so so so so so so so so much fun! i liked the bounce houses!! ecpecially the fourtruse! its this really big blow up thing that you climb up and then slide down. it was really high. i did a flip down it! it hurt my butt. when we were playing tug of war, it was girls vs. boys. AND WE WON 6/7 TIMES! and they only won 1 time because they had help! HA! and whatever team i was on we won. my teacher said that too. *mia blushes*. GIRLS RULE! FEILD DAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER! and it made it even funnier with all my friends there! thank you to my friends! and at the end our homeroom played another homeroom and mr. U's class ALWAYS wins. and we did. 3 year in a row. WHAT NOW! and the other team thought they would win! YEAH RIGHT! sorry to the people in that homeroom that is reading this right now. *mia blushes yet again* and we were in different cars, driving there, and i had all robyn fans in my car so we were JAMIN! it was AWESOME! anyway, IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! i have said AWESOME a lot today. well thank you for reading and a shout out to my friends, THANK U FRIENDS! love~ MIA!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

just stuff

okay so probably the first thing your going to notice is i changed my background AGAIN! i like it this way cause it matches the video bellow. i am kinda bored so i am tell you guys about just stuff. today we were walking to the big green space that we go to for recess and i saw this cool sticker on a pole. it was one of those hello my name is stickers and i said hello my name is weezy. everyone saw it on the way to p.e. but i didn't have p.e. so everyone was looking at it and then i just start peeling it off. then my friends saw another one so i am going to grab it next time we go to recess.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Vampire Weekend - A-Punk

i <3 vampire weekend and this video

Thursday, March 31, 2011

spring break

spring break is finally here! well its been here. its thursday already!! saturday i went on a BIG house boat. it was soooo much fun! then sunday i went to the beach and visited friends! monday i chilled at home cause it was pouring rain! then tuesday my friend invited me to a beach and i went and the waves were insanly huge!!! but i didnt put on enough sunblock and i got sunburnt really really bad! it hurts!!! then yesterday it was raining and guests arived and we went out for dinner. and today its raining again and we are staying home and going to the used book store and film a pupet bike viedo(if you havent heard of pupet bike look up pupet bike on youtube)! i will post later what happens next! MIA!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fostsers home tribute to cheese

cheese! i <3 fosers home fo imagianary friends!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

state capitol

hey guys and gals-
me and all of the 5th graders at my school got to go to the state capitol! we droved on a big bus all the way up there, spent the night, and came all the way back. on the way there i got 2 seats all to myself for the whole ride! thats because evrybody had already been "reserved" to sit by someone eles. i didnt sleeep at all on the way there. we boarded the bus at 6:30. all i did was listen to music. every 2 hours we would stop at a rest area. and we also stopped at a place were you can go and take a boat ride. so we went and there was a ton of animals! even manatees!!!!!!! it was amazing. a little after that we went to see a bunch of diiferent animals like otters, black bears, coyotees, bald egales, a famous duck (cant remember his name) and even white squirles. then we went to the hotel with our night buddies. i was buddies with a good friend yaaaaa! and the next morning we went to the old and new capitol. it was super cool. in the old capitol we learned about the building and then we got to pretend like we were the house of representitives and we voted on different things. then we went to the 22nd floor of the new capitol and looked at the art and the view. then we went to the history musuem we looked at a bunch of differnent things. then we went to a not so good resturant and then we drove all the way back to school. on the way home i was playing truth or dare on my ipod with my friends. our tour guide also thought that we (the back of the bus) were the most positive and that we made him laugh. on the back of the bus we started singing "we are driving, we we are driving" and a lot of people did it with us. including a guy and he did it really funny looking so i took a viedo of him. lol! then it was all about wheels on the bus. lol! thanks to all my 5th grade friends that made this my best and most exciting trip ever1
love you guys so much,

Thursday, March 10, 2011


hey guys!!-
i am JAMIN! i am rockin in my room to the pop and rock on my ipod and tottaly lovin it! LOL! well exactly a week from now me and my friends will be in the state capital! its one of the big trips for my grade! super super pumped!!!!!!!! and we get to stay there for a night! COOOOOL! i got in the music mood cause all i am goin wanna do on the bus is to listen to my music. so, this weekend i am going to download all of the music on to my ipod. I AM SUPER EXCITED!!!!!! anyway, soon is the speech contest at my school and this year the topic is the greatest american invention. and i picked the personal computer. yaaaa!!!! last year i did it and i got to go to school wide! i am hopping that i do as good as i did last year. oh yeah! soon its going to be spring break! yaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! super excited for that too, cause some guests are coming to visit. ya!! plus other friends are in town and we might go see them too. and tuesday i did my science fair project and i will make my board soon. sooooooo my life is pretty sweet right now! LIFE IS GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!! actually everything is good exept for one tiny thing which will hopefully be fixed soon!
love ya,

Sunday, March 6, 2011


hi there,
i just looked at my pageviews and i am not sure if these is true but looks like the same person or a lot of people look at my blog. who are you?!

Gorillaz - Superfast Jellyfish (Official Visual Video)

Friday, February 25, 2011

medival times!

today we went to medival times as a school field trip. when we were watching the jousting me and my friends were screaming super duper loud. and after the show my throat was hurting! our team was the red and yellow team. we got to eat and watch jousting! so after the show/lunch we went into the gift shop and i had $5 to spend. well i was looking around for something but couldnt find anything. then i went up to my friend and she said she wanted to give our knight a hug. so i waited and then she went and hugged the guy how played the king (they were signing autographs). then when we got on the bus another friend told me that they got their flag signed ant that the flages were $5 with NO tax! ugh! then on the bus i was trying to sleep but everyone was around me was like almost screaming. plus people kept poking me. ????????
any way overall it was a good experence!!! :)
<3 (-<),

Thursday, February 17, 2011

vacation+4 1/2 days off

hey you-
guess what? today was a half day at school and that means we get out at noon. and 2morro we have that day off and same thing with monday!!! yayaaaayayayaaayaya!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

superbowl sundy

hey yall-
i am usally not the football type but......FOOTBALLLLL!!!!!! right now we are watching the pre-game. and i was bored so i am blogging to "yall".
i am cheering for the green bay packers because they are close to iowa.
*note to Gracyn: i am now cheering for the packers. sorry

anyway have a good superbowl sunday,

They Might Be Giants - Clap Your Hands

may look babyish but its really cute!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


hi there-
ok well i am still sickish but i might go to school tomorrow! yaya i am excited because i need a bunch of stuff i need to make up, but i dont know why i am excited about that!!!! anyway i kinda redid my blog. let me know what u think of it. i just liked the background so i just changed the whole thing. i was sick of the same old thing.

warning!: i might be doing that a lot now because i think it is really fun
(if u just read what is above then readit again with a deep man voice or eles you wont see why i typed it unless you do)

isnt it better in the deep man voice then your normal voice! anyway i must sip a smoothie soon so i must go
your smoothie sipper,

Monday, January 24, 2011


garbage. thats what i fell like garbage!i am sick still for the 6th day in a row. and i gave it to my mom and dad. so they are weak and so am i. i went to the doctor and the swabed me for the flu and it is positive. it is obviously flu season. well i hope i am not sick this coming weekend cause i cant be sick on my birthday. anyway i have so much work to make up at school. i am stuck in the house so when every i get out it fells great!! but anyway going to watch trashy tv

Friday, January 21, 2011


hi there-
i have been sick for 4 days and it stinks! but at my school everyone has it! i guess i caught it too. but now my mom got it. i have a terrible cough. well i have a great thing to look foward to.............drumroll please.....................MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 8 DAYS! i am so excited!!!! well......i will talk to you guys later,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

happy new year + more

hi there!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! its finally 2011! on thursday my parents left to go to new orleans for the new year! but i am staying home with my grandpa. only 2 more days and 1 more night till they come home, yaaaa!
well i must go my dog is wining for me to through her tire for her, ugh,