Tuesday, May 10, 2011

was up?!

hey there-
i haven't posted in a while and i am sorry. my trip was awesome! i had a lot of fun! i was busy everyday! so, tomorrow is Wednesday and we have to wear uniforms on Wednesday we usually have free dress day for a buck or two. so tomorrow is twin day! that's when u and a friend dress up as the same! so i am dressing up with my friend and we have been planing for a long time! i am so excited! we have the same shirt, same water bottle, same shoes, same socks, same hair (wigs)! its gonna be awesome! and they are having contest, most funniest, most unique and most similar. me and her are running for most similar! i am so excited!
too excited cant talk
MIA (THE CREATOR OF Mia's Side of The Story) :)

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