Friday, April 15, 2011


today was feild day at my school and it was......AWESWOME!!!!!!!!!!! i had so so so so so so so so so so much fun! i liked the bounce houses!! ecpecially the fourtruse! its this really big blow up thing that you climb up and then slide down. it was really high. i did a flip down it! it hurt my butt. when we were playing tug of war, it was girls vs. boys. AND WE WON 6/7 TIMES! and they only won 1 time because they had help! HA! and whatever team i was on we won. my teacher said that too. *mia blushes*. GIRLS RULE! FEILD DAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER! and it made it even funnier with all my friends there! thank you to my friends! and at the end our homeroom played another homeroom and mr. U's class ALWAYS wins. and we did. 3 year in a row. WHAT NOW! and the other team thought they would win! YEAH RIGHT! sorry to the people in that homeroom that is reading this right now. *mia blushes yet again* and we were in different cars, driving there, and i had all robyn fans in my car so we were JAMIN! it was AWESOME! anyway, IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! i have said AWESOME a lot today. well thank you for reading and a shout out to my friends, THANK U FRIENDS! love~ MIA!

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