Sunday, June 5, 2011

june 3rd, 2011

on june 3rd, the 5th graders went to IOA (island of adventures)! we met the front gate and got our tickets. after we were in the park. 3 friends and i went to the hulk first things first. and that was my first upside down ride ever! it was a blast! of course, i closed my eyes on the upside down parts so i wouldn't really feel it. but by the end of the day my eyes were wide open. after the hulk we went to Dr. doom, which wasn't that scary. we just went up a long tower and then went down kinda fast. then i went to spider man which was a 3D ride which was fun! then we met up with to guys and we hung out with them for the rest of the day. we headed over to ripsaw falls and i was in the front. it was our first water ride and we got soaked. then since we were already soaked we went on Popeye which wasn't as fun as i thought. then we went on the pterodactyl ride to dry off and me and my pal for the day needed a child to go with us so the guys were are small people. the line took forever! and the ride was only 30 seconds! and i had to ride with one of the guys cause we had to ride with a small person. so at first the old man who ran the ride thought that my friend and the other guy were boyfriend and girlfriend but he wouldn't listen cause they were both saying that they were friends but he kept calling the boyfriend and girlfriend. and the guy i rode with the old man said we were brother and sister. then we went on another ride and then lunch! after that we met up with even more friends and went to the wizarding world of Harry Potter. and we went on dueling dragon fire and then we went on ice. that was my favorite! then we went to the hulk again and then it was time to go. so my day rocked! then my pal for the day came home and went to a birthday party! it was fun! so my day rocked!
thats all for now!

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