Sunday, May 15, 2011


Friday, was Friday the 13th and i slept over at a friends house! and it POURED hailed at her house! and then the power went out....on Friday the 13th! it was off for a while and they said it should go on at 9:00pm but it came on around 9:45pm! but it was fun! the next day we went out on the lake and we were tubing! it was sooooo much fun!we both fell of 3 times. and the girl rule is that if 1 girl falls off the other has to to!so she and i fell off one time and we both really did fall off. and then she fell off so i let go. then the last one we both fell of purposely. then i went home. on Friday, a guest came while i was at her house. he is from new orleans and is staying for the weekend. today they are sleeping in because they were up all night. and we are having a BIG breakfast. then we are going kayaking! i cant belive its already sunday!
well i guess thats all for now......THATS ALL FOLKS!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha thay was my house. And hey! I only fell off because we were turning on my side and i didn't have any room, JK... Remember when we saw colin why don't you ever comment on my blog
