Saturday, March 19, 2011

state capitol

hey guys and gals-
me and all of the 5th graders at my school got to go to the state capitol! we droved on a big bus all the way up there, spent the night, and came all the way back. on the way there i got 2 seats all to myself for the whole ride! thats because evrybody had already been "reserved" to sit by someone eles. i didnt sleeep at all on the way there. we boarded the bus at 6:30. all i did was listen to music. every 2 hours we would stop at a rest area. and we also stopped at a place were you can go and take a boat ride. so we went and there was a ton of animals! even manatees!!!!!!! it was amazing. a little after that we went to see a bunch of diiferent animals like otters, black bears, coyotees, bald egales, a famous duck (cant remember his name) and even white squirles. then we went to the hotel with our night buddies. i was buddies with a good friend yaaaaa! and the next morning we went to the old and new capitol. it was super cool. in the old capitol we learned about the building and then we got to pretend like we were the house of representitives and we voted on different things. then we went to the 22nd floor of the new capitol and looked at the art and the view. then we went to the history musuem we looked at a bunch of differnent things. then we went to a not so good resturant and then we drove all the way back to school. on the way home i was playing truth or dare on my ipod with my friends. our tour guide also thought that we (the back of the bus) were the most positive and that we made him laugh. on the back of the bus we started singing "we are driving, we we are driving" and a lot of people did it with us. including a guy and he did it really funny looking so i took a viedo of him. lol! then it was all about wheels on the bus. lol! thanks to all my 5th grade friends that made this my best and most exciting trip ever1
love you guys so much,

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