Thursday, March 10, 2011


hey guys!!-
i am JAMIN! i am rockin in my room to the pop and rock on my ipod and tottaly lovin it! LOL! well exactly a week from now me and my friends will be in the state capital! its one of the big trips for my grade! super super pumped!!!!!!!! and we get to stay there for a night! COOOOOL! i got in the music mood cause all i am goin wanna do on the bus is to listen to my music. so, this weekend i am going to download all of the music on to my ipod. I AM SUPER EXCITED!!!!!! anyway, soon is the speech contest at my school and this year the topic is the greatest american invention. and i picked the personal computer. yaaaa!!!! last year i did it and i got to go to school wide! i am hopping that i do as good as i did last year. oh yeah! soon its going to be spring break! yaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! super excited for that too, cause some guests are coming to visit. ya!! plus other friends are in town and we might go see them too. and tuesday i did my science fair project and i will make my board soon. sooooooo my life is pretty sweet right now! LIFE IS GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!! actually everything is good exept for one tiny thing which will hopefully be fixed soon!
love ya,

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