Tuesday, December 28, 2010


xmas was awesome at my place! i got:
a phone
a camera
the wii fit
mini animal ballons making kit
a sound machine
blind boxes
and a lot more stuff i dont want to name
hi had a fun time with my family too.

Friday, December 24, 2010

pic of mini cooper

this is my new mini cooper!!!!!!!!


OH MY GOSH 2MORO IS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM 2 EXCITED TO TYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

new car!!!!!!

today me and my family got a brand new car!!!!!! we got a mini coper! it was fun and boring. we got it all black. its going to be my dads play toy so it was his decision. it looks awesome! pics to come!!!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

car wash=$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!

hi there!,
me and my friend had a car wash today for $5! she needed to get christmas presents but didnt have enough money so we went around to different peoples houses and asked them if they would like a car wash. well, we made a lot of money......$55!!!!! one guy paid us WAY to much....$20 because he didnt have a 5 and he said to keep it and share! then my friends dad paid us $15! and my mom paid us $5. and a man prepaid us $10 because he has 2 cars!! and hopefully we will get 2moro! well, talk to you soon,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

winter break

well what da ya know the next holiday is here! for me i get off 2moro and 2moro is only a half day! so excited to see who has me for a secret santa! i want to know but i still want it to be a surprise. today we had no homework so i get to watch TV! we got fashion magizines, candy stick dipped in chocolate yum!!!!!!! so excited for break
merry christmas,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hi ya

whats up,
hi there! i thought i say hi, so HI!!!!!!! i lost one of my earings. :( my thanksgiving was awesome!i <3 pumpkin pie! well i dont now what i am doing, so bye!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! hope you have a super great Thanksgiving day! have a delious linner. and yes i meant to type (linner) that. i cant wait to watch the macys thanksgiving day parade! HAVE A TOTALY AWESOME THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

hi there!

what do you think of my new design? i love stars! please let me know what you think! i finaly figured out how to change the back ground!
think stars,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


hi there!,
today has been a pretty good day! i am waiting and counting down the minutes until my grandparents (Grandma Glow and Papa John) come!!! so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are going to be staying for about 2 weeks. they are also coming for Thanksgiving. i haven't seen them in a long time. since about May or June of 2009. my heart is pounding!!!!! i am hungry!!! MUST EAT FOOD NOW!!!!!! good thing dinner is soon!!!!! yaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! have a good week!!!!!!
your good pal,

Sunday, November 7, 2010


the concert last night was totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! there were 2 opening acts so instead of arriving at 7:00 we arrived at 8:00. we got there and the 1st opening act had just ended. robyn was amazing. she sang a lot of my fav songs! she danced her heart out. the lights were really cool too. it was awesome! it ended around 11:30 pm. we stoped by a restaurant that is open 24 hours on theweekends. so we got something to eat. and by the time i got to bed it was 1:00 am. we could have met robyn but we would be there until 1:00am. i got an awesome sweatshirt too.
well thats all for now,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Phoenix - 1901 (US Version)

cool video


hi guys,
tonight i am going to a concert!! i am going to see Robyn!!!! i am so excited! we drove by today and saw the tour bus! we saw the people unloading all the equipment. we didnt see her though. we drove by the tour bus, but we couldnt see anything because it was covered up so you couldnt see inside. who knows she could have been in there. we saw another couple checking everthing out kinda like us. we asked them if they were coming and they gave us a thumbs up. super excited!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

guess what?

hey guys,
guess what, guess what, guess what!!!!!! on friday my mom was driving me home from school and i saw a very stange thing....a blue elephant! yep call me crazy but i saw a blue elephant just walking around on the sidewalk. nobody on it at all. and i saw a baby elephant hanging on to its tail. it was so cute! i wish i coud see i again. you know what...........i was just joking with ya!!!!!!!hehehehehhehehehehehe
thats all for now hahaha,

Friday, October 15, 2010


Wednesday i was in the car and my mom tried to start the car and it made a ticking sound. the batterie was dead. :( we tried to find a person that had jumper cables and we found a guy and he jumped are car for us! it turn out the guy was Vince, my old swimming coach! and now we have to make them cookies!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


i havent really posted much scince school started. well this year so far is pretty fun, except its the same as last year. dont forget the 4th and 5th are grouped together so i knew that lots of homework was coming right at me. we have lots of homework and its funny because the new people dont know how to present so its funny to see them up doing the projects. they are getting pretty good with them. i was surprised on what they came up with. i like just typing just to type, its fun. i never think anyone looks at my blog cause theres no comments. so if ur reading this right now, thank you!!! and no i am not trying to be greedy! i have tennis today. yaaaaa!!!!! i hurt my toe and it has been hurt for 2 days now. :( i think its from to much happy feet. hahahahahaha probaly not

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

sick yet again

*cough cough* hi,
well as you now today is 6-7-10. this weekend i went to my friends grandparents beachouse and they also invited some friends that i am friends with. do you understand? well heres the point i went to a beachouse. *cough cough* i got a soar throght and a cough. that was from the salt water. man! i caught some sweet waves on my boggy board. it was all because of that huricane. i got 3 scraps. when i was in the water the were stinging really bad. well, *cough cough* thats all for now.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Puppet Bike! The Best Thing Ever!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Robyn - Fembot (Live Skavlan 2010) Best version

check out the coolest pop princess robyn

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nerbraska? i'm here!

hello agian-
i am in nerbraska!!!! yesterday after we arrived at my granny's apartment we went out on to a hill and there was a little river that lead to a dam flowing really hard down hill. on the way back to the apartment we looked for musk rats and ducks. sadly we didn't see much. today we are going to look at the fair and we might go there.
talk to you later,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


today is tuesday 7- 27 -10. 2morrow i will be leaving to go to nerbraska. i will be there for 4 days visiting my grandma. we are going by plane. we will be stopping in huston texas and then taking the next plane to nerbraska. we will be going to junk stores and to a fair! i think it is going to be really fun. its only me and my mom who are going. my dad is staying here.
thats all for now!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

new orleans pics

these are some pics from new orleans

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

new orleans, louisiana

hello people,
i am back form new orleans! i had a blast! let me tell you some things we did...we left last wednesday night around 8:00pm. we were driving to the capital. we arrived at the hotel around 12:00pm. we went to bed a got up the next morning and started to drive (we were driving 2 days to new orleans on the way there but 1 day on the way back). when we got to new orleans we got a hotel. after checking in and stuff, we called my moms friend (who lives there and his name is pete ) to meet us somewere. after that pete toke us to a few resteaunts to eat at. then we went to a few other places. when we were done my mom and pete went out for a while and me and my dad went back to the hotel. the next night my dad went out with pete. the next morrning we got beignets at cafe du monde (a world famous cafe open 24/7). and today we grabed some beignets and we were off back to orlando, florida. that was the fun parts of new orleans!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

new orleans new orleans new orleans

hi friends,
today has been a good day so far. the 1 thing i am excited for is tonight i am driving to new orleans!!!!!! well...we are stoping in the top part of florida and getting a hotel. we will be arriving there around 11:00 pm, 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm, somewhere around those times!!!! this is my first trip to new orleans. we are very excited. i know that in the car i will be watchin lots of movies! we did some last minute arrons. and then we went to get our nalis done. so...for me right now life is sweet. i heard there was a heat index so... STAY COOL!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

new orleans here i come!

hey friends,
its 6-13-10. for me its the big countdown! on wednesday night we will be driving to new orleans! wednesday we will drive to the panhandle and getting a hotel. we will get up the next day and drive there the first part of the day. my parents and i will be staying with my moms friend. we will be doing so much stuff. now you all know i have 3 dogs. so today my dog sitter is here. my parents are showing him about all the dog stuff. his name is chris. anyway i am so excited!

Monday, June 7, 2010

sick yet agian

today yet again i am sick. +sigh+. today is 6-7-10. i did WAY to much swimming over the weekend!!! on sunday morning i woke up with a bad soar throat. that day i went to and awesome party and swam more. i came home with a even worse soar throat, a headache, a runny nose and a stomach ache. the stomach ache came from the runny nose that i have. i woke up at 3:00am not felling well. i woke up my parents and they gave me lots of medicane. i fell back a sleep and woke up at 7:00am. i felt like i needed to throw up. but thank goodness i didn't. my mom toke me to the chiropractor and put me on the diatheramy. i am feeling well and iam bumped i missed 8th grade take over day. +sigh+. well i will see you 2morrow.

Friday, June 4, 2010

5th to IOA

hi there,
today is 6-4-10. in my school today us 4th graders are mixed with 5th graders. today was fun because the 5th graders went to IOA (islands of adveture). so we had subs in 2 classes. plus i had periods with people i don't have periods with! plus in the lunch room i sat with different people then i usually sit with! and that was all because the 5th graders were gone! the bad thing about today is that in math time, kids were making a ton of nosie so i couldn't consentrate! and when i asked them to stop the continued! HOW RUDE!!!!!!!!!!! if i sounded sassy there i didn't mean to sound sassy. and then a girl was tiping a desk forward and backward and it fell and made a very loud sound. it gave me a headache! today was sort of good and bad. but i have a superly fantastic weekend coming up so i have something to look foward to.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

back in school

hi agian,
today is 6-3-10. luckely i am back in shcool today! yay! today was a great day because...
#1 we got our year books and i brought sharpies and i thought that we were going to get our year books today and my mom thought we were getting them next week wich would have really sucked! plus i proved my mother wrong.
#2 my math teacher (mr. urtz) said i didn't have to make up my math homework from the night before because he thought that he had through it away because he was getting rid of lots of papers. and then when i turned in my math test (because we were taking a test) he found it but he said i didn't have to do it.
#3 in math, we got in our groups, and i was in the front of the room but i sit in the back and mr. urtz let us stay in our seats we were in to take the
math test
#4 i made the third book of... the adventures of stick man ( a seris of small books that i am making). it was all about... one afternoon stick man was riding his bike when it randomly broke in half. then the next day he had to ride his stupid little sisters bike and when he was riding to school a couple of bullies made fun of him and he ended up crying THE END (in every book he ends up crying heheheheheheh
#5 the math test is pretty simple
well i guess today was my luckey day
thats all for today,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


today is 6-2-10. when i got up this morning i wasn't feeling well. my stomach was queasy. i layed in bed for a while to see if the sick feeling would go away. well, that didn't work. so i told my mom and she got me some yogurt. i ate it and waited a little. just in case it worked i started getting dresed. when i had my shirt on i realised that yogurt wasn't working ethier. so, i stayed home. i layed in my parents bed and watched a movie called sweet home alabama. after the movie i moved to the living room. in there i watched another movie called big fat liar. i have seen that move lots of times. i was really not feeling well at that time. my mom gave me some ice chips. they setteled my stomach. i felt much better. after big fat liar i wanted to watch TV. sadly there was nothing on:(. so i started to eat lunch and look at movies. i looked and saw julie & julia i hadn't seen it yet but my mom did. so i watched it. i am still watching it right now. so now i am watching julie&julia. while talking to you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


don't watch the video below! it dosen't have the right song. it stinks!

They Might Be Giants - Dr. Worm (Replaced Audio)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

bike ride

today i went for a bike ride with my dad. it was fun. we went 8.1 miles. that is because my dad has a thing on his bike that keeps track of how many miles you go. we went to langford park on what i call the nature trail. my face is bright red. its really hot. STAY COOL!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

strange fruit

check out these strange fruits from summer 2008


this is my dog amber. i dresed her up in my shirt. sadly that day she chewed off a few pieces of the coloar! :(

Saturday, April 17, 2010

me in turks and caicos asleep with my uglydolls. i was still in my swimsuit

mom b-day

today is my moms birthday. she open her presents and she got a lot of good stuff.

oven broken

my oven is broken. we had to cut the power to it. this morning my dad is trying to fix it. the oven is 20 years old. it almost fell out

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

got poop

this is me in my Vote For Pedro t-shirt holding up a got poop sticker

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

mr. caney smiled!!!!!!

check out this pic of mr. caney smiling!!!


hi people!!!! i am mia and this is my blog!!! i very much hope you enjoy!!!
