Friday, June 4, 2010

5th to IOA

hi there,
today is 6-4-10. in my school today us 4th graders are mixed with 5th graders. today was fun because the 5th graders went to IOA (islands of adveture). so we had subs in 2 classes. plus i had periods with people i don't have periods with! plus in the lunch room i sat with different people then i usually sit with! and that was all because the 5th graders were gone! the bad thing about today is that in math time, kids were making a ton of nosie so i couldn't consentrate! and when i asked them to stop the continued! HOW RUDE!!!!!!!!!!! if i sounded sassy there i didn't mean to sound sassy. and then a girl was tiping a desk forward and backward and it fell and made a very loud sound. it gave me a headache! today was sort of good and bad. but i have a superly fantastic weekend coming up so i have something to look foward to.

1 comment:

  1. Thats what you get for having fun without me.
