Thursday, June 3, 2010

back in school

hi agian,
today is 6-3-10. luckely i am back in shcool today! yay! today was a great day because...
#1 we got our year books and i brought sharpies and i thought that we were going to get our year books today and my mom thought we were getting them next week wich would have really sucked! plus i proved my mother wrong.
#2 my math teacher (mr. urtz) said i didn't have to make up my math homework from the night before because he thought that he had through it away because he was getting rid of lots of papers. and then when i turned in my math test (because we were taking a test) he found it but he said i didn't have to do it.
#3 in math, we got in our groups, and i was in the front of the room but i sit in the back and mr. urtz let us stay in our seats we were in to take the
math test
#4 i made the third book of... the adventures of stick man ( a seris of small books that i am making). it was all about... one afternoon stick man was riding his bike when it randomly broke in half. then the next day he had to ride his stupid little sisters bike and when he was riding to school a couple of bullies made fun of him and he ended up crying THE END (in every book he ends up crying heheheheheheh
#5 the math test is pretty simple
well i guess today was my luckey day
thats all for today,

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