Sunday, November 7, 2010


the concert last night was totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! there were 2 opening acts so instead of arriving at 7:00 we arrived at 8:00. we got there and the 1st opening act had just ended. robyn was amazing. she sang a lot of my fav songs! she danced her heart out. the lights were really cool too. it was awesome! it ended around 11:30 pm. we stoped by a restaurant that is open 24 hours on theweekends. so we got something to eat. and by the time i got to bed it was 1:00 am. we could have met robyn but we would be there until 1:00am. i got an awesome sweatshirt too.
well thats all for now,

1 comment:

  1. You go, devil girl! Saturday night I was dancing at a vampire disco party in Boston, but it's still not up to your standard. xx Granny B
