Monday, June 7, 2010

sick yet agian

today yet again i am sick. +sigh+. today is 6-7-10. i did WAY to much swimming over the weekend!!! on sunday morning i woke up with a bad soar throat. that day i went to and awesome party and swam more. i came home with a even worse soar throat, a headache, a runny nose and a stomach ache. the stomach ache came from the runny nose that i have. i woke up at 3:00am not felling well. i woke up my parents and they gave me lots of medicane. i fell back a sleep and woke up at 7:00am. i felt like i needed to throw up. but thank goodness i didn't. my mom toke me to the chiropractor and put me on the diatheramy. i am feeling well and iam bumped i missed 8th grade take over day. +sigh+. well i will see you 2morrow.

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