Sunday, June 20, 2010

new orleans, louisiana

hello people,
i am back form new orleans! i had a blast! let me tell you some things we did...we left last wednesday night around 8:00pm. we were driving to the capital. we arrived at the hotel around 12:00pm. we went to bed a got up the next morning and started to drive (we were driving 2 days to new orleans on the way there but 1 day on the way back). when we got to new orleans we got a hotel. after checking in and stuff, we called my moms friend (who lives there and his name is pete ) to meet us somewere. after that pete toke us to a few resteaunts to eat at. then we went to a few other places. when we were done my mom and pete went out for a while and me and my dad went back to the hotel. the next night my dad went out with pete. the next morrning we got beignets at cafe du monde (a world famous cafe open 24/7). and today we grabed some beignets and we were off back to orlando, florida. that was the fun parts of new orleans!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Thats sounds so cool! Is that the first time you have ever gone there??

