Monday, May 30, 2011

wow! check out my stats!

i just checked my stats, and u guys are probaly thinking "oh wow i didnt think she new i checked her blog so much" well people i dont really care! if i were to make a blog and then no one looks at it, well that would be a lame blog. so my blog isnt lame! ya! so if you guys want to check out my stats and see where they are from! (look below)
United States-1,204 (!!!!!)
Denmark-127 (?)
India-5(really?! cool!)
United Arab Emirates-1(umm?)
United Kingdo-1(wow)
soooooo, u see now i have a lot of veiws. people like me! oh yeeeaahh!
thank you guys. i wont be her if it wasnt for u!


i am really P.Oed right now. and shocked cause i made this really long post but then i went to check my stats and then i came back to the post and the whole thing was gone! ugh i am so angry now! electronics arnt liking me today. i made this super awesome playlist to go on my ipod and now it wont play in the order i want! and now this! it said when i was typing that i was saving! liers!!! i just went to checkmy spelling and it wont let me! ugh! >:( thats me! for real! and there is no way i am going to re-type every thing that i typed before! anyway, sorry for my explosion on u guys! wow i really got out of control! ya!!!! my fav band just came on on my ipod! *mia starts dancin* i found some awesome bands and they are dowloaded on my ipod already! and i am jamin richt now cause i am music crazy! hahahhaha
P.P.S. bye!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

last few weeks of school

come on party on down! its the last few weeks of school! its been fun scince the final project have been coming. i have a finally book project due tuesday and a citizenship project due tusday too! then its all down hill! we got our yearbooks friday and that means its the end of school. i am going to bring in one of my PE shirts and have everyone sign it! i am excited for summer but i dont want school to end because i will miss my friends! i love u guys! u guys make school, school!
anyway, i redid my blog sorta! i love art so i did a art background because graffiti is awesome and i am taking a graffiti class over the summer with my friensds
to all my friends: keep in touch!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Friday, was Friday the 13th and i slept over at a friends house! and it POURED hailed at her house! and then the power went out....on Friday the 13th! it was off for a while and they said it should go on at 9:00pm but it came on around 9:45pm! but it was fun! the next day we went out on the lake and we were tubing! it was sooooo much fun!we both fell of 3 times. and the girl rule is that if 1 girl falls off the other has to to!so she and i fell off one time and we both really did fall off. and then she fell off so i let go. then the last one we both fell of purposely. then i went home. on Friday, a guest came while i was at her house. he is from new orleans and is staying for the weekend. today they are sleeping in because they were up all night. and we are having a BIG breakfast. then we are going kayaking! i cant belive its already sunday!
well i guess thats all for now......THATS ALL FOLKS!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

was up?!

hey there-
i haven't posted in a while and i am sorry. my trip was awesome! i had a lot of fun! i was busy everyday! so, tomorrow is Wednesday and we have to wear uniforms on Wednesday we usually have free dress day for a buck or two. so tomorrow is twin day! that's when u and a friend dress up as the same! so i am dressing up with my friend and we have been planing for a long time! i am so excited! we have the same shirt, same water bottle, same shoes, same socks, same hair (wigs)! its gonna be awesome! and they are having contest, most funniest, most unique and most similar. me and her are running for most similar! i am so excited!
too excited cant talk
MIA (THE CREATOR OF Mia's Side of The Story) :)