Thursday, November 25, 2010


HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! hope you have a super great Thanksgiving day! have a delious linner. and yes i meant to type (linner) that. i cant wait to watch the macys thanksgiving day parade! HAVE A TOTALY AWESOME THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

hi there!

what do you think of my new design? i love stars! please let me know what you think! i finaly figured out how to change the back ground!
think stars,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


hi there!,
today has been a pretty good day! i am waiting and counting down the minutes until my grandparents (Grandma Glow and Papa John) come!!! so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are going to be staying for about 2 weeks. they are also coming for Thanksgiving. i haven't seen them in a long time. since about May or June of 2009. my heart is pounding!!!!! i am hungry!!! MUST EAT FOOD NOW!!!!!! good thing dinner is soon!!!!! yaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! have a good week!!!!!!
your good pal,

Sunday, November 7, 2010


the concert last night was totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! there were 2 opening acts so instead of arriving at 7:00 we arrived at 8:00. we got there and the 1st opening act had just ended. robyn was amazing. she sang a lot of my fav songs! she danced her heart out. the lights were really cool too. it was awesome! it ended around 11:30 pm. we stoped by a restaurant that is open 24 hours on theweekends. so we got something to eat. and by the time i got to bed it was 1:00 am. we could have met robyn but we would be there until 1:00am. i got an awesome sweatshirt too.
well thats all for now,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Phoenix - 1901 (US Version)

cool video


hi guys,
tonight i am going to a concert!! i am going to see Robyn!!!! i am so excited! we drove by today and saw the tour bus! we saw the people unloading all the equipment. we didnt see her though. we drove by the tour bus, but we couldnt see anything because it was covered up so you couldnt see inside. who knows she could have been in there. we saw another couple checking everthing out kinda like us. we asked them if they were coming and they gave us a thumbs up. super excited!