Friday, February 25, 2011

medival times!

today we went to medival times as a school field trip. when we were watching the jousting me and my friends were screaming super duper loud. and after the show my throat was hurting! our team was the red and yellow team. we got to eat and watch jousting! so after the show/lunch we went into the gift shop and i had $5 to spend. well i was looking around for something but couldnt find anything. then i went up to my friend and she said she wanted to give our knight a hug. so i waited and then she went and hugged the guy how played the king (they were signing autographs). then when we got on the bus another friend told me that they got their flag signed ant that the flages were $5 with NO tax! ugh! then on the bus i was trying to sleep but everyone was around me was like almost screaming. plus people kept poking me. ????????
any way overall it was a good experence!!! :)
<3 (-<),

Thursday, February 17, 2011

vacation+4 1/2 days off

hey you-
guess what? today was a half day at school and that means we get out at noon. and 2morro we have that day off and same thing with monday!!! yayaaaayayayaaayaya!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

superbowl sundy

hey yall-
i am usally not the football type but......FOOTBALLLLL!!!!!! right now we are watching the pre-game. and i was bored so i am blogging to "yall".
i am cheering for the green bay packers because they are close to iowa.
*note to Gracyn: i am now cheering for the packers. sorry

anyway have a good superbowl sunday,

They Might Be Giants - Clap Your Hands

may look babyish but its really cute!