Tuesday, December 28, 2010


xmas was awesome at my place! i got:
a phone
a camera
the wii fit
mini animal ballons making kit
a sound machine
blind boxes
and a lot more stuff i dont want to name
hi had a fun time with my family too.

Friday, December 24, 2010

pic of mini cooper

this is my new mini cooper!!!!!!!!


OH MY GOSH 2MORO IS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM 2 EXCITED TO TYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

new car!!!!!!

today me and my family got a brand new car!!!!!! we got a mini coper! it was fun and boring. we got it all black. its going to be my dads play toy so it was his decision. it looks awesome! pics to come!!!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

car wash=$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!

hi there!,
me and my friend had a car wash today for $5! she needed to get christmas presents but didnt have enough money so we went around to different peoples houses and asked them if they would like a car wash. well, we made a lot of money......$55!!!!! one guy paid us WAY to much....$20 because he didnt have a 5 and he said to keep it and share! then my friends dad paid us $15! and my mom paid us $5. and a man prepaid us $10 because he has 2 cars!! and hopefully we will get 2moro! well, talk to you soon,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

winter break

well what da ya know the next holiday is here! for me i get off 2moro and 2moro is only a half day! so excited to see who has me for a secret santa! i want to know but i still want it to be a surprise. today we had no homework so i get to watch TV! we got fashion magizines, candy stick dipped in chocolate yum!!!!!!! so excited for break
merry christmas,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hi ya

whats up,
hi there! i thought i say hi, so HI!!!!!!! i lost one of my earings. :( my thanksgiving was awesome!i <3 pumpkin pie! well i dont now what i am doing, so bye!!!